Monday, February 6, 2012

Awesome giveaway for photography lovers!

Photography runs in my blood, it is a passion and hobby I absolutely love! We are pregnant with our third and I'm absolutely ecstatic to take some newborn photos (and of course to be having another little one :P). A local photographer friend of mine owns a photo prop business on the side and makes awesome stuff for newborn props! She's doing an AWESOME giveaway that y'all HAVE to check out (yep I just said y'all)...!/

Friday, October 16, 2009

Been Busy Bee's

I don't believe we've ever been busier! Blessed we are as we naturally birthed our second child Calvyn Harold on July 26th, 2009. The same day I went into labor was the day we made an offer on our first house and had it accepted! Yep, we're completely nuts for having a baby, going through buying a house and moving all within two months. Well I went back to work in september and since have been busy working on catching up at work! Not to mention been busy breastfeeding, pumping and cloth diapering for Calvyn. Am I stressed at times... yes, but it's all more than worth it. Things are starting to slow, or maybe I've started to get used to the hustle and bustle of our lives! Both Jayden and Calvyn are doing wonderful. Jayden has gotten so much better at talking and Calvyn is working on his eye-hand coordination skills (definitely a neccessity for being a football player).

Auntie Sandy made these booties for the boys - super cute!